The Twin City Model Railroad Museum is a Minnesota Not-For-Profit 501(c) (3) Charitable/Educational Organization, all donations (cash and property) are tax deductible (does not include membership fees.)

See the instructions below on how to donate to the museum via PayPal, check by mail, AmazonSmile, Thrivent Financial “Choice” donations, or through Estate Plans. We also have info on how to donate model railroad or railroad related items as well. Thank you for considering the Twin City Model Railroad Museum as you consider your generous donations!

Online Donations via PayPal

Donations by Mail

If writing a check please address it to: Twin City Model Railroad Museum

Twin City Model Railroad Museum
668 Transfer Road, Suite 8
Saint Paul, MN 55114

Thrivent “Choice” Donations

Are you a member of Thrivent Financial?

Did you know that Thrivent Financial policyholders are annually awarded an amount of Choice Dollars that you can direct towards the organizations you choose?

We have created easy instructions on how to include the Twin City Model Railroad Museum in these donations.

Just follow the steps in this PDF here: How to direct Choice Dollars to TCMRM

Gift Planning Opportunity

When making a gift to the Twin City Model Railroad Museum through your Estate Plan provide the following suggested wording to your attorney and/or financial advisors for inclusion in your Will or Trust document:

I give, devise and bequeath (dollar amount, percentage or share) of my estate to the Twin City Model Railroad Museum located at 668 Transfer Road, Suite 8, St Paul, Minnesota 55114, for use in maintaining its current and future operations.

(or)…for establishing or increasing a perpetuated endowment designed to provide income to maintain, expand and improve its displays, operations and community education relating to all thing railroading. 

Please notify TCMRMs Planned Giving Director, Richard Holz, at 952-443-4709 or when you have established your thoughtful and generous gift.

You may also get in touch with Richard for assistance with other forms of Planned Giving involving financial accounts, retirement funds (IRA, 401k, 403b, SEP), equities (stocks, bonds, etc.), and US Savings Bonds.

Donate Model Railroad or Train Related Items

You can also donate model railroading equipment or railroad memorabilia. Small donations can be dropped off during open hours.

For larger donations of more information please email us at

NOTE: Any donations that you intend to write off with a value over $5,000 must receive an independent appraisal.